Describing large forms and data entry in Cucumber / SpecFlow feature files

Did you know that in .feature files you can use the table notation to specify each field and value in rows instead of columns?

This can make the file way more readable when a step needs a lot of different parameters. Here is an example that shows both ways of creating an invoice:

Feature: Demo

Scenario: TwoDifferentStylesOfSteps
	When I create an invoice with number '111' with '119.00' euro total, '19.00' euro VAT from 'ACME Inc' at '1234XYZ 99' in 'USA'
	When I create the following invoice:
		| Field            | Value      |
		| Number           | 222        |
		| TotalAmount      | 238.00     |
		| VATAmount        | 38.00      |
		| Debtor           | ACME Inc   |
		| DebtorAdresLine1 | 1234XYZ 99 |
		| DebtorCountry    | USA        |
	Then The systems invoice store must look like this:
		| Number | TotalAmount | VatAmount |
		| 111    | 119.00      | 19.00     |
		| 222    | 238.00      | 38.00     |

Here is the corresponding binding code:

namespace TableExample
    public class Invoice
        public int Number { get; set; }
        public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }
        public decimal VatAmount { get; set; }
        public string Debtor { get; set; }
        public string DebtorAdresLine1 { get; set; }
        public string DebtorAdresLine2 { get; set; }
        public string DebtorCountry { get; set; }
    public class TablesSteps
        private IList<Invoice> Invoices;

        public TablesSteps()
            this.Invoices = new List<Invoice>();

        [When(@"I create an invoice with number '(.*)' with '(.*)' euro total, '(.*)' euro VAT from '(.*)' at '(.*)' in '(.*)'")]
        public void WhenICreateAnInvoiceWithNumberWithEuroTotalEuroVATFromAtIn(int Number, 
            decimal TotalAmount,
            decimal VatAmount,
            string Debtor,
            string DebtorLine1,
            string DebtorCountry)
            Invoice TestInvoice = new Invoice();
            TestInvoice.Number = Number;
            TestInvoice.TotalAmount = TotalAmount;
            TestInvoice.VatAmount = VatAmount;
            TestInvoice.Debtor = Debtor;
            TestInvoice.DebtorAdresLine1 = DebtorLine1;
            TestInvoice.DebtorCountry = DebtorCountry;

        [When(@"I create the following invoice:")]
        public void WhenICreateTheFollowingInvoice(Table table)
            Invoice TestInvoice = table.CreateInstance<Invoice>();

        [Then(@"The systems invoice store must look like this:")]
        public void ThenTheSystemsInvoiceStoreMustLookLike(Table table)
            var rows = table.CreateSet<Invoice>();
            foreach (Invoice test in rows)
                IEnumerable<Invoice> Matches = this.Invoices
                    .Where(invoice => invoice.Number.Equals(test.Number))
                    .Where(invoice => invoice.TotalAmount.Equals(test.TotalAmount))
                    .Where(invoice => invoice.VatAmount.Equals(test.VatAmount));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, Matches.Count(), string.Format("Invoice {0} not correct in invoicestore", test.Number));

