When you install SQL Server Management Studio, the setup sometimes fails the check “Performance counter registry hive consistency” In that case, just run the downloaded executable with the following parameters “/ACTION=install /SKIPRULES=PerfMonCounterNotCorruptedCheck”
Returning a collection of objects from a PowerShell function
If you’re writing a function that returns a collection then don’t forget to include the comma operator in the return statement. If you forget it your function will work correctly when the collection contains multiple objects, but fails when it contains 1 object.
Take the following buggy example:
function GiveMeAllTheThings() { $myarray = @() #fill $myarray with results of type String. Assume that #run-time conditions determine if it is filled with #0, 1 or more items and that each item is a string return $myarray; } $result = GiveMeAllTheThings $result.GetType().FullName
If you execute this code when $myarray has many strings in it, the returned type from the function is System.Object[]
. If $myarray has only 1 string in it, then the returned type will be System.String
The code should have been written like this:
function GiveMeAllTheThings() { ... return ,$myarray; }
Understanding the LINQ nested grouping example
Here’s an explanation of how the default example for LINQ nested grouping actually works. The usual example for nested grouping looks like this:
from student in Students group student by student.Faculty into Faculty from dbtgroup in ( from student in Faculty group student by student.DebtCategory ) group dbtgroup by Faculty.Key;
The objective of this statement is to first group-by students into faculties and then in each faculty create subgroupings of students by their DebtCategory.
So how does this actually work and whats the equivalent method/lamba syntax? The first step is to groups each student into their faculty. Assume we have the following data
public class Student { public string Name { get; set; } public string Faculty { get; set; } public int DebtCategory { get; set; } } IList<Student> Students = new List<Student>(); Students.Add(new Student { Name = "John" , Faculty = "IT" , DebtCategory = 2 }); Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Jane" , Faculty = "IT" , DebtCategory = 2 }); Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Jesse", Faculty = "Finance", DebtCategory = 2 }); Students.Add(new Student { Name = "Linda", Faculty = "Finance", DebtCategory = 1 });
The following query groups each student into a faculty
var query1 = from student in Students group student by student.Faculty into Faculty select Faculty; //The Method syntax for the above query is: var query1Method = Students .GroupBy(student => student.Faculty) .Select ( Faculty => Faculty); //This gives us the following IGrouping<string, Student> as result // // [0] // Key : IT // Values: // [0] John (IT) (2) // [1] Jane (IT) (2) // // [1] // Key : Finance // Values: // [0] Jesse (Finance) (2) // [1] Linda (Finance) (1)
The next step is to add another level of grouping:
var query2 = from student in Students group student by student.Faculty into Faculty from dbtgroup in ( from student in Faculty group student by student.DebtCategory ) select dbtgroup; //This gives us the following IGrouping<int, Student> as result //[0] // Key : 2 // Values: // [0] John (IT) (2) // [1] Jane (IT) (2) // //[1] // Key : 2 // Values: // [0] Jesse (Finance) (2) // //[2] // Key : 1 // Values: // [0] Linda (Finance) (1) // The following is the literal translation of the above Comprehension syntax into method syntax. We're ignoring this as explained below // var query2Method = Students // .GroupBy(student => student.Faculty) // .SelectMany( Faculty =>Faculty.GroupBy(student => student.DebtCategory) // , (Faculty, dbtgroup) => dbtgroup); //The final complete query ends with"group dbtgroup by Faculty.Key;" // this statement causes the compiler to see that you're refering to the Faculty object from the select many, so instead of // "(Faculty, dbtgroup) => dbtgroup" it emits a slightly different projection "(Faculty, dbtgroup) => new {Faculty, dbtgroup} //structure var query2Method = Students .GroupBy(student => student.Faculty) .SelectMany( Faculty =>Faculty.GroupBy(student => student.DebtCategory) , (Faculty, dbtgroup) => new {Faculty, dbtgroup});
Query2 is close to our desired output, however the grouping is the wrong way around. So the final step is:
var query3 = from student in Students group student by student.Faculty into Faculty from dbtgroup in ( from student in Faculty group student by student.DebtCategory ) group dbtgroup by Faculty.Key; //The method/lambda syntax is: var query3Method = Students .GroupBy(student => student.Faculty) .SelectMany ( Faculties => Faculties.GroupBy (student => student.DebtCategory) , (Faculty, dbtgroup) => new { Faculty = Faculty, dbtgroup = dbtgroup } ) .GroupBy( item => item.Faculty.Key, item => item.dbtgroup ); //This gives us the following groups as result //[0] // Key : IT // Values: // [0] Key : 2 // Values: // [0] John (IT) (2) // [1] Jane (IT) (2) //[1] // Key : Finance // Values: // [0] Key : 2 // Values: // [0] Jesse (Finance) (2) // [1] Key : 1 // Values: // [0] Linda (Finance) (1)
Loadtesting SharePoint file uploads with mandatory fields in the content types
When a user uploads a document into a library it can be the case that mandatory fields need to be filled in. If these fields aren’t correctly submitted to the server then the file will remain checked out and other users will not be able to see it.
For an automated load test its important that it correctly supplies the required fields. In a previous post I described all the requests that are involved in the upload. In this post we’ll describe how to correctly POST the fields to the server.
Lets assume you have a required field called “ReferenceId” in your content type. When we want to POST the value of this field to SharePoint we must include SharePoint’s Field ID (a GUID) into the name of the form post parameter.
The first point where we need to intervene is the GET request to EditForm.aspx. Its response contains the ID of each field that’s included in the content-type. Each meta-data field of the content type is described in a JSON datastructure that looks like this:
//This JSON structure is sent as 1 very long line in the response { "ListSchema":{ "...":{ "Id":"aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", "...":"..." }, "ReferenceId":{ "Id":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "...":"..." }, "...":"..." } }
You can use the following ExtractionRule to extract the Id of your ReferenceId field:
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | GUID_ReferenceId |
Ends With | “ |
Extract Random Match | False |
Html Decode | True |
Ignore Case | False |
Index | 0 |
Required | True |
Search in Headers | False |
Starts With | “ReferenceId”:{“Id”:” |
Use Regular Expression | True |
On the POST request to EditForm.aspx you need to add an extra Form Post Parameter like this:
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
ClientFormPostBackValue_{{GUID_ReferenceId}}_ReferenceId | Insert your desired value for the ReferenceId here | See how the name of the form post parameter is constructed from the GUID we extracted earlier |
Anatomy of a loadtest for SharePoint file uploads to a document library
When you use Visual Studio’s recorder on a file upload to a SharePoint document library, you will get a test that needs some tweaking before its usable.
Firstly it doesn’t take into account where on your test machine the file is stored. The next time you run the test, it will fail because it can’t find the file to upload.
Secondly I like to make this a generic test that can upload any file to any site/library regardless if we’re running on an agent or on the local development machine.
In this post we will take a look at the structure of the test, then we’ll know how to tweak these tests in the future:
Request 1: GET https://root/sites/yoursite/_layouts/15/Upload.aspx
The first requests retrieves SharePoint’s file-upload dialog.
QueryString Parameters
Parameter | Value | Url encode |
ListId | The GUID of the library to upload to. In format {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} | No |
RootFolder | The ServerRelativePath to upload to. Eg /sites/yoursite/yourlibrary/yourfolder/anotherfolder |
Yes |
IsDlg | Set this to 1. | No |
Extraction rules
The only thing we need to do with the response is to extract all the hidden form fields in the response because the next request needs to POST them back to the server.Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | 1 |
Html Decode | True |
Required | True |
Request 2: POST https://root/sites/yoursite/_layouts/15/UploadEx.aspx
The second requests uploads the file from the test PC into the correct library/folder.
QueryString Parameters
Parameter | Meaning | Url encode |
Same as previous request | Same as previous request | Same as previous request |
Form Post Parameters
This request POSTs a lot of the extracted form parameters from the previous request back to the server. The complete list of parameters is in the following image. There are a few interesting ones in there though.Parameter | Value | Explanation | |||||||||||||||||
__EVENTTARGET | ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$ctl03$RptControls$btnOK | I’m not sure if this is needed. I just send it. | |||||||||||||||||
ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$UploadDocumentSection$ctl05$OverwriteSingle | on | Determines whether the user/test placed a check in the “Overwrite existing files” checkbox. | |||||||||||||||||
ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$ctl04$ctl01$uploadLocation | /<yourfolder>/ | Determines into which folder the file will be uploaded. | |||||||||||||||||
ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$VersionCommentSection$ctl01$CheckInComment | The text of the user’s check in comment. | ||||||||||||||||||
File Upload Parameter |
Extraction rules
One the file has been uploaded into the library, SharePoint wants the user to provide values for the various meta-data fields. In order to achieve this, SharePoint assigns the uploaded file a temporary ID, communicates it back to the browser and expects requests 3 and 4 to complete the meta-data input process. If you don’t do this properly, then the uploaded file will remain checked out. The ID is hidden in a bit of JavaScript that looks like thiswindow.location.href = 'https:\u002f\u002f......\u002fEditForm.aspx? Mode=Upload\u0026 CheckInComment= \u0026ID=HERE IS THE ID YOU NEED \u0026RootFolder=\... \u0026IsDlg=1';
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | UploadEx_ID |
Ends With | \u0026 |
Extract Random Match | False |
Html Decode | True |
Ignore Case | False |
Index | 0 |
Required | True |
Search in Headers | False |
Starts With | \u0026ID= |
Use Regular Expression | False |
Request 3: GET https://root/sites/yoursite/yourlibrary/Forms/EditForm.aspx
This GET request retrieves the HTML form that users use to edit the metadata on the uploaded file.
QueryString Parameters
Parameter | Value | Url encode |
Mode | Upload | No |
CheckInComments | The user’s comment for the check-in. | Yes |
ID | The value of context parameter UploadEx_ID we extracted on previous requests | No |
RootFolder | See request 1 | See request 1 |
IsDlg | See request 1 | See request 1 |
Extraction rules
This request has a lot of extraction rules on its response that retrieve information that needs to be POST’ed in the next request.
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | OWSHiddenVersion_0 |
Ends With | , |
Extract Random Match | False |
Html Decode | True |
Ignore Case | False |
Index | 0 |
Required | False |
Search in Headers | False |
Starts With | {“owshiddenversion”: |
Use Regular Expression | False |
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | ContentType_0 |
Ends With | “ |
Extract Random Match | False |
Html Decode | True |
Ignore Case | False |
Index | 0 |
Required | False |
Search in Headers | False |
Starts With | “ItemContentTypeId”:” |
Use Regular Expression | False |
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | CONTROL_GUID0 |
Html Decode | True |
Ignore Case | False |
Index | 0 |
Regular Expression | _g_([0-9a-fA-F]{8}_[0-9a-fA-F]{4}_[0-9a-fA-F]{4}_[0-9a-fA-F]{4}_[0-9a-fA-F]{12})_ctl |
Required | True |
Use Groups | True |
Property | Value |
Context Parameter Name | 1 |
Html Decode | True |
Required | True |
Request 4: POST https://root/sites/yoursite/yourlibrary/Forms/EditForm.aspx
QueryString Parameters
Parameter | Value | Url encode |
Same as previous request | Same as prevous request | Same as prevous request |
Form Post Parameters
Most of the form post parameters are the usual hidden fields extracted from the previous step:
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
__EVENTTARGET | ctl00$ctl43$g_{{CONTROL_GUID0}}$ctl00$ctl02$ctl00$toolBarTbl$RightRptControls$ctl00$ctl00$diidIOSaveItem | I’m not sure if this is needed. I just send it. |
ctl00$ctl43$g_{{CONTROL_GUID0}}$ctl00$ctl02$ctl00$ctl01$ctl00$ContentTypeChoice | Value of context parameter ContentType_0 | The value of this parameter determines which of the possible content types the user/test chose from the drop-down list. |
ctl00$ctl43$g_{{CONTROL_GUID0}}$ctl00$ctl02$ctl00$ctl06$ctl00$owshiddenversion | Value of context parameter OWSHiddenVersion_0 | SharePoint needs this value to detect conflicting changes to the SPListITem that represents this file. |
Running unittests as part of a loadtest in Visual Studio
Did you know that the loadtest framework isn’t limited to only running webtests or calling web-services? You can also include your unittests! This is very convenient for loadtesting MVC controllers, WebApi controllers or SharePoint’s CSOM interface.
Your unittests should work without any changes. If you need one of the following then your unittest needs some minor modification:
- Work with loadtest transactions.
- Use information such as the UserId or AgentName.
Below is a small example class that shows how to achieve the above without sacrificing the ability to run the class as part of a standalone unittest. Just inherit from it and use its methods.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.LoadTesting; namespace Loadtesting { [TestClass()] public class CombinedUnitLoadTest { /// <summary> /// Visual Studio's Unit Test Context. Microsoft's UnitTestFramework sets this member /// </summary> public TestContext TestContext { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Load Test Context. Only present if the testcase is being run in a loadtest /// </summary> public LoadTestUserContext LoadTestUserContext { get { if (this.TestContext.Properties.Contains("$LoadTestUserContext")) { return this.TestContext.Properties["$LoadTestUserContext"] as LoadTestUserContext; } else { return null; } } } /// <summary> /// The name of the Agent where the testcase is running. Returns "" if the test is not running on an agent /// </summary> public string AgentName { get { if (this.TestContext.Properties.Contains("AgentName")) { return this.TestContext.Properties["AgentName"].ToString(); } return ""; } } /// <summary> /// The Id of the virtual user that is running the testcase. Returns "" if the test is not running in a loadtest /// </summary> public string UserId { get { if(null != this.LoadTestUserContext) { return this.LoadTestUserContext.UserId.ToString(); } return ""; } } /// <summary> /// Returns a number that specifies how many tests the current virtual user has already executed /// </summary> public string Iteration { get { if(null != this.LoadTestUserContext) { return this.LoadTestUserContext.CompletedTestCount.ToString(); } return ""; } } /// <summary> /// Starts a named transaction. The loadtest framework will report the time between BeginTransaction() and EndTransaction() /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void BeginTransaction(string name) { if(null != this.LoadTestUserContext) { this.TestContext.BeginTimer(name); } } /// <summary> /// Ends the named transaction. The loadtest framework will report the time between BeginTransaction() and EndTransaction() /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void EndTransaction(string name) { if(null != this.LoadTestUserContext) { this.TestContext.EndTimer(name); } } } }
What to do when Visual Studio keeps opening your webtests in the wrong type of editor
Is Visual Studio opening your .webtest files in the XML editor instead of the GUI? You can fix this by editing the .csproj file of the project that contains the .webtests.
Find the line for your webtest and remove the following line below it:
Restart Visual Studio and the next time you double click on the test, it will be opened in the GUI editor.
a loadtest plugin to generate a GUID per request
Visual Studio has an out-of-the box plugin that generates GUIDs for you. However its a WebTest
plugin, so it will only generate them once per webtest. You can’t include that plugin into a loop.
Fortunately we can write a simple WebTestRequest
plugin that does what we want:
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules; namespace LoadTestPlugins { [DisplayNameAttribute("Generate GUID")] [DescriptionAttribute("Generates a GUID during a request")] public class GenerateGUID : WebTestRequestPlugin { #region Methods private void GenerateIt(WebTestContext Context) { Context[this.ContextParameterName] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } public override void PostRequest(object sender, PostRequestEventArgs e) { if(this.BeforeRequest == false) { this.GenerateIt(e.WebTest.Context); } } public override void PreRequest(object sender, PreRequestEventArgs e) { if(this.BeforeRequest == true) { this.GenerateIt(e.WebTest.Context); } } #endregion #region Properties [Description("Name of context parameter to store the number in"), DisplayName("Context parameter"), IsContextParameterName(true)] public string ContextParameterName {get; set;} [Description("Whether to generate the number before or after the request has executed"), DisplayName("Apply before request"), DefaultValue(true)] public bool BeforeRequest { get; set; } #endregion } }
A loadtest plugin to clear context parameters (and why we need it)
If a webtest stores temporary data in a context parameter, then you need to make sure that its reset to some initial state when the webtest starts. Otherwise it will fail if that webtest is included multiple times within the same testrun.
Visual Studio’s “Set Context Parameter Value” plug-in won’t help here as it cannot set the value of a parameter to an empty string. If you try this, then during the test run, the request will fail with the error “Request failed: Missing or invalid Context Parameter Name.”
The solution in my case was a very simple custom plug-in. I choose to implement it as a WebTestPlugin
instead of a WebTestRequestPlugin
to avoid confusing it with Visual Studio’s existing plugin.
using System.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules; namespace LoadTestPlugins.WebTestPlugins { [DisplayNameAttribute("Set context parameter value")] [DescriptionAttribute("Sets the context parameter to a value")] public class ClearContextParameter : WebTestPlugin { public override void PreWebTest(object sender, PreWebTestEventArgs e) { e.WebTest.Context[this.ContextParameter] = this.Value; } #region Properties [Description("Context parameter to set"), DisplayName("Context parameter"), IsContextParameterName(true)] public string ContextParameter { get; set; } [Description("Value to place into the context parameter"), DisplayName("Value")] public string Value { get; set; } #endregion } }
SharePoint people-pickers in loadtests
A significant number of the webtests in out loadtest need to simulate a human tying into a people-picker control. This control waits until the first few letters have been entered and after that calls SharePoint’s client.svc web-service every time the user enters data into the control.
I simulate this with the following logic in webtests:
GET https://... For Each Character In Targetusers display name: POST https://.../_vti_bin/client.svc/ProcessQuery GET https:/...
As Visual Studio doesn’t contain a plugin that iterates over characters in a string, I wrote my own. This plug-in allows you to choose:
- Which input parameter contains the display name to iterate over.
- Into which output parameter to place the sub-string.
- At which index to start iterating. The 1st iteration of the loop includes all characters upto the starting index. All subsequent iterations add one more letter from the input string into the output string.
Some nice-to-have improvements to this plugin are:
- Add a configurable delay in milliseconds to each loop. This would be nice as think-times on requests can only be configured in intervals of whole seconds
- Add an option to automatically clear the output parameter once all iterations have finished
Here is the code for the plug-in:
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules; namespace LoadTestPlugins { [DisplayNameAttribute("For Each character in context parameter")] [DescriptionAttribute("Sequentially copies each character from the source into the destination. You can use this to simulate a user that types a name into a peoplepicker for example")] public class ForEachCharacter : ConditionalRule { #region Methods public override void CheckCondition(object sender, ConditionalEventArgs e) { string Input = e.WebTest.Context[this.InputContextParameterName].ToString(); string Output; try { Output = e.WebTest.Context[this.OutputContextParameterName].ToString(); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Output = string.Empty; } //Only do something if the output is not yet complete if (Input.Length == Output.Length) { e.IsMet = false; return; } int LengthToCopy; if(Output.Length == 0) { //Copy all characters before the starting index and 1 extra LengthToCopy = this.StartIndex + 1; } else { //Copy 1 extra character to the output LengthToCopy = Output.Length + 1; } e.IsMet = true; e.WebTest.Context[this.OutputContextParameterName] = Input.Substring(0, LengthToCopy); return; } #endregion #region Properties [Description("Name of context parameter that contains the characters to iterate over"), DisplayName("Input Context parameter"), IsContextParameterName(true)] public string InputContextParameterName {get; set;} [Description("Name of context parameter to store the each successive iteration"), DisplayName("Ouput Context parameter"), IsContextParameterName(true)] public string OutputContextParameterName { get; set; } [Description("The zero-based index to start the iteration from"), DisplayName("Start Index")] public int StartIndex { get; set; } #endregion } }